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Towering Your Success, LLC (2024 - Present). Consultant. Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) Grant Project. The United States Department of Education's Competitive Grant Award ($18,502,463) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.​


Towering Your Success, LLC (2024 - Present). Consultant. School Consolidation Project Manager Services. Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2024 - Present). Consultant. Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Project. The Georgia Department of Education’s Competitive Grant Award ($8,750,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2024 - Present). Consultant. YouthBuild Grant Project. The United States Department of Labor’s Competitive Grant Award ($1,500,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2023 - 2024) Consultant. Professional Learning Consulting Services for the Bibb County School District’s AMS for School Improvement. Macon, GA.  


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2023 - 2024) Consultant. Professional Learning Consulting Services for the Bibb County School District’s VIP Academy for School Improvement. Macon, GA. 


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2023 - Present) Consultant. Program Evaluation Consulting Services for the United Way of Central Georgia’s Community Schools United Project. Macon, GA.  


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2022 - 2023) Consultant. Professional Learning Consulting Services for the District Effectiveness and Federal Programs Department for the Bibb County School District’s American Rescue Plan Grant for District Maximizing Scheduling Strategic Planning/Evaluation for College and Career Readiness - 3E Initiative. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2022 - 2027). Consultant. Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Project. The Georgia Department of Education’s Competitive Grant Award ($8,750,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2022 - Present). Consultant. Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Project. The Georgia Department of Education’s Competitive Grant Award ($3,500,000) to the Dooly County School District. Vienna, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2022) Consultant. Professional Learning Consulting Services for the District Effectiveness and Federal Programs Department for the Bibb County School District’s American Rescue Plan Grant to Address Learning Loss for District Strategic Planning and Teacher Induction for College and Career Readiness - 3E Initiative. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2021 - 2022) Consultant. College Readiness and Talent Development Professional Learning for District Before and After School Programs for the Bibb County School District’s American Rescue Plan Grant to Address Learning Loss for College and Career Readiness. Macon, GA. 


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2021 - 2022) Consultant. Professional Learning Consulting Services for the Bibb County School District’s American Rescue Plan Grant to Increase Best Practices for Acceleration in Elementary Education. Macon, GA. 


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2021 - Present) Consultant. College Readiness and Talent Development Project for District Secondary Schools for the Bibb County School District’s American Rescue Plan Grant to Address Learning Loss for College and Career Readiness in CTAE Programs. Macon, GA. 


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2021 - 2022). Consultant. Building Opportunities in Out-of-School Time (BOOST) Grant. The Georgia Department of Education’s Competitive Grant Award from the federal American Rescue Plan for the State of Georgia ($1,282,500) to Address Learning Acceleration and STEAM Opportunities for Community-Based Organizations. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2021 - 2022). Consultant. Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Project. The Illinois Department of Education’s Competitive Grant Award ($750,000) to the Carole Robertson Center for Learning. Chicago, IL. 


Towering Your Success, LLC (2021). Consultant. Gifted Testing for 9 District Elementary Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic Project for the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC. (2021 - 2024). Consultant. YouthBuild Grant Project. The United States Department of Labor’s Competitive Grant Award ($1,500,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2020). Consultant. Lean Six Sigma Program for Secondary Students.  The Georgia Power Foundation’s Competitive Grant Award ($25,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2019 - 2022). Consultant. YouthBuild Grant Project. The United States Department of Labor’s Competitive Grant Award ($1,100,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2019 - 2024). Consultant. Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Project. The Georgia Department of Education’s Competitive Grant Award ($8,750,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2017 - 2019). Consultant. Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Project. The Georgia Department of Education’s Competitive Grant Award ($1,400,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2017). Consultant. CREATE: Enrichment Makerspace: Applied Learning with a Focus on STEAM Education.  The Georgia Governor’s Office of Student Achievement’s Tiny Grant Competitive Grant Award ($5,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2017 - 2020). Consultant. RTI-Based Personalized Learning Program: Blended and Personalized Learning. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Student Achievement’s Innovation Fund Scaling Competitive Grant Award ($700,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2016 - 2017). Consultant. NCLB & ESSA, Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Section 1003 Title I, Part A School Improvement Sustainability Grant. The Georgia Department of Education’s Competitive Grant Award ($1,400,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2015 - 2017). Consultant. Westside Flexible High School and Modular Scheduling for Personalized Learning: Development and Replication of Blended Learning School Models. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Student Achievement’s Innovation Fund Scaling Competitive Grant Award ($700,000) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


Towering Your Success, LLC (2014 - 2016). Consultant. NCLB & ESSA, Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Section 1003 Title I, Part A School Improvement Grant. The Georgia Department of Education’s Competitive Grant Award ($5,114,820) to the Bibb County School District. Macon, GA.


*Please note the projects above are a brief listing of Towering Your Success, LLC's past projects.




Federal and State funding secured and managed 



 Public elementary and secondary schools served 



 Years of collective 

experience in education and grant management

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 705 | Macon, Georgia 31201 | 478-259-7600​

Copyright 2024 TOWERING YOUR SUCCESS TM. All rights reserved.

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